Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Midnight Race
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Ivy's Wall
Ivy and I had totally different personalities. She was the quiet, demure snow white, madly pursued by dreamy romeos. One of them burnt a few gallons of midnight oil just to meticulously glue together hundreds of pearly white buttons to make her a cinderella shoe. I think the shoe was actually her size. And of course, the romeos used me as a messenger to send her little notes. The cinderella-shoe romeo used to say that she was cute, sweet and concise -- what the @#$% did concise mean?? Cinderella-shoe romeo looked at me and said, well, she comes in a smaller package. So I guess if she was the angel with the harp, I was simply the tuba. And if she was the more cliché swan, I was the ... turkey.
Ok, I guess not turkey. Cinderella-shoe romeo ended up giving me an owl carved out of soap as graduation gift. That was really nice. I think I would rather be an owl than a swan.
Ivy never fell for any of those romeos though. She chose down-to-earth EP, who probably would never spend nights making a shoe for her, but would take great care of her for the rest of their lives.
Ivy wanted some splashes of colour in her new home. She said orange and pink. I hope she will like this mini-series.

Just for you, Ivy.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Cambodian Breeze
Two days was about enough to make a quick trip around the major tourist spots in Phnom Penh. Yet the hospitality of our wonderful Cambodian friends made me want to stay a lot longer. They went to great lengths to ensure our comfort, taking care of every detail throughout our stay. It just seemed like second nature to them that they should take such good care of their guests.
We saw the Wat Phnom, Royal Palace, National Museum, and drove 42km south of Phnom Penh to Tonle Bati, also known as Mini Angkor, built in the late 12th century. Awe seemed to know a lot about the history and religious characters of the region.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Forest Reflections

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
As a woman, it is always interesting to see how others have climbed or helicoptered above the old boys club and done well for themselves -- or sometimes, fallen spectacularly. Some years back, I read about a magazine trying to survey and measure the power of women in the corporate world. Apparently, when the reporter interviewed a certain large Asian company on women representation on its senior management team, the representative of the company laughed in the reporter's face.
I am far from the stage of corporate life where I could tell for sure if there were a glass ceiling for women. I suppose it differs from job to job. Some women I know have also opted to run their own businesses, rather than go through with the ladder-climbing process. Of course, I think there is a whole lot of other great reasons to run your own business.
Locally, the best-known female entrepreneur is probably Olivia Lum. In a strange way, I always associate her with the dragonfly. I guess it is because of the Hyflux product by the same name.

Does the dragonfly look like it is stationery, or moving?
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Persistence of Time

Monday, September 25, 2006
Portrait of an Empress
Of all the Empress Dowagers in the Chinese history, Cixi was probably one of the most well-known, remembered mostly for her appetite for power, and her role in the Qing dynasty's downfall. In Kit Chan's musical, American artist Kate Carl goes all the way to Beijing to paint a portrait for Cixi.
But my all-time favourite is still Xiao Zhuang, best known as Grand Empress Dowager Xiao Zhuang Wen, Emperor Kang Xi's grandmother. Much to my annoyance, official history never had comprehensive records of women of the time. However according to most written articles on Xiao Zhuang, she was a highly intelligent lady and an important behind-the-scenes political force that influenced at least 3 generations of Qing rulers. She mediated political struggles and helped the dynasty avoid military upheaval. She managed to protect her young son Shun Zhi and grandson Kang Xi's reigns from scheming princes and generals. Most remarkably, she achieved all of that without undermining the emperor (and hence the stability of the dynasty), unlike Cixi who resorted to putting her emperor on house arrest, and according to some, had a hand in the death of her own son and her fellow Empress Dowager Ci'an.
Of course, one school of thought was that, Xiao Zhuang was only able to control the affairs of the Qing court because of her relationship with Prince Dorgon, her late husband's brother and her son's regent, and possibly the most powerful military leader of the time. Historians seem divided as to whether Xiao Zhuang ended up marrying Prince Dorgon. But there appears to be no doubt that the duo shared a special relationship.
Xiao Zhuang was reportedly the most beautiful maiden of her time in Horqin, Mongolia, where she came from. Unfortunately there was no Kodak in those days, and the court paintings I found portrayed her as a slightly plump, middle-aged woman. I wonder what she looked like in her youth.

Personally, it was a rather slow and enjoyable journey, imagining the imprint she made in the sands of time in the then-glorious Qing dynasty. I suppose I am just a sucker for stories of great women in history.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Dancing in the Rain
If it does not ring a bell... The Butterfly Lovers is a Chinese legend about the tragic romance of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, set in the Eastern Jin dynasty. Zhu disguises herself as a man so that she could study at the school, where she meets Liang. And, you guessed right, they fall in love with each other. Liang later discovers that Zhu was a woman, and was crushed when he found out that she was already betrothed to someone else. Liang later dies. On Zhu's wedding day, strong gushes of wind and storm prevented her from walking past Liang's grave. Liang's grave miraculously cracks open, Zhu jumps in, dies, and the duo transforms into a pair of butterflies that always flew around each other.
I have never seen butterflies fly around in the rain. Not that we get to see butterflies often in the first place, even with all the trees and flowers in this green city. I suppose when Liang and Zhu morphed into butterflies, the stormy skies would have suddenly changed its mood and brightened up with a great big rainbow. Maybe with fireworks in the distant sky. (OK I guess I am not cut out to be a movie director. I can hear you screaming stop! argh!)
But I did wonder whether butterflies could fly around in the rain. I mean, could their wings take the beating from the raindrops?
Of course, like any other netizen, I googled for the answer. So apparently butterflies do not fly in the rain. In the wild, they would hold onto trees or bushes just in case they get hit by the rain and get stuck to the ground.
I suppose the weight of the water would weigh them down. I mean, imagine someone up there constantly emptying multiple buckets of water onto your head while you are trying to run away. And the howling winds are so strong that you are constantly swung off your intended path.
Sometimes the butterflies don't run, er fly, fast enough to avoid the rain, and if they do get wet, they simply have to hide somewhere dry and wait until the water evaporates off.
I remember getting caught in the rain when I was a kid, as we came home from the market. Well... actually, Dad, bro and I went out to drench ourselves in the rain. Mom thought we were nuts because we would get sick -- actually I think bro or I did :) But dancing in the rain remains one of the most beautiful memories of my childhood. So thank you, Dad.
Perhaps, just perhaps, some butterflies might like dancing in the rain too.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Their Dreams
It was simply a beautiful performance, the slightly noisy audience (of what must have been more than 2000 people) notwithstanding.
I thought the dance performances were of professional standards. It was especially amazing considering that the dancers were unable to hear music, but managed to move in the most fluid and beautiful ways with the aid of only two assistants by the sides of the stage, who signalled the rhythm with arm movements.
A blind pianist played Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 (the Moonlight Sonata). 3M told me that it was possible to play without looking at the keyboard, once you started playing. But what difficulties must the pianist have gone through, trying to learn the piano without ever seeing the keyboard or score.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Prima Donna
We love the wholesome breakfast spread at Café Les Amis. Eggs, toast, coffee. The perfect start to a perfect Sunday.
I used to enjoy idyllic afternoons at roadside cafés. With an old novel, a long black coffee, and the occasional (ok, frequent) indulgence of carbo-laden pastries. And in the most cliche of ways, watch the world go by. The world routinely rushes by the glass window, rarely looking up or around. Most of the time, the world's ears are plastered to their cell phones.
Coffee at the Botanic Gardens is such a different experience. The world is freeze framed in a wonderful moment. Life does not merely glide by. It is bustling and brimming and overflowing. Children running and laughing, dogs sprawled on the sunny lawn.
Speaking of sanctuaries smack in the middle of the city, New York's Central Park comes to mind. According to wikipedia, it is twice the size of Monaco and eight times the size of the Vatican City. A luxurious piece of real estate in one of the most expensive cities on earth.
For those who like hard facts: both the Central Park and the Singapore Botanic Gardens were established in the late 1850s. At 128 acres, the latter is less than one-sixth of the size of Central Park.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Surfing under the Moonlight
Some of them simply love the exhiliration of racing the winds and waves in the summer heat, and others like the bonus of meeting hot babes in bikinis on the beach.
I wondered what it would be like to surf under the moonlight. I suppose it would be quite difficult, if not outright impossible, to try to ride big black waves that could splash out the starlights in the night.
Ah. But what is stopping the surfer on canvas?

Dancing with the waves under the moonlight, waking the dolphins for a coffee.
The surfer was originally just a shadow, like a mysterious adventurer in the dark. The other budgie in my house was the inspiration for the happier yellow shirt. Still an adventurer, but no longer a loner lurking in the darkness. He is shining like a star.
Just like what I feel with the other budgie around.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Roses by the Window
I am beginning to realise the power of blogging. I have never been a trend-setter, never been an early adopter of any technology, or in this case, a new way of expressing oneself. In fact, I have always been, like, 3 years late. I was still using regular kodak film when the rest of the world switched to digital cameras, and only got my first digicam 2 years ago. Today, MP3 players have yet to succeed in replacing my discman. Yup. I am that outdated. So I wondered why so many people bothered to share their diary online - I thought, would other people care? - or, why some companies thought blogging was a viable way of marketing.

This is a painting I gave to a friend C earlier on. I call it Roses by the Window. I thought that despite C's flippant exterior, he was really looking for someone who would bring him quiet joy and warmth. I am blessed and I hope C will be, too.
Still life has never been my forte but I hope C liked it. And thanks to technology, I am able to share this here with you.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
So many firsts this year.
Never thought I would do pilates, but I have tried and completed 20 hours so far. Never thought I would sell a thing on ebay, but I managed to get rid of an old suit in 24 hours. Never thought I would pick up that paintbrush again, but I'm well onto my 10th canvas. Here's one of my latest:
I initially thought of it as Golden Sunrise. Trying to make myself feel happier about waking up early in the morning to drag myself to the office. But friends commented that it was more like "Romantic Sunset". That works too. Afterall it's all in the beholder's eyes.
Splashing colours on canvas does seem to brighten my day. A far cry from making oneself blind by checking and rechecking spreadsheets and crafting hair-splitting documents. Having one's vacation postponed because of a meeting, which ended up being cancelled. And being told "get used to it". I thought "sorry we messed up your plans" would have been nicer. But everyone is entitled to their own way of expressing themselves.